00:33:51 Katherine Castro: Welcome everyone! We are letting people log on:) 00:36:25 Katherine Castro: Yes 00:36:31 Katherine Castro: Welcome! 00:36:39 Katherine Castro: Yes, it is being recorded. 00:37:16 Katherine Castro: We will talk about that soon 00:40:22 Katherine Castro: There are currently 34 in attendance, we had 117 registered 00:40:48 Katherine Castro: The recording will be available on social media and on the website. 00:41:02 Katherine Castro: *136 registered 00:44:25 Katherine Castro: @joshgeyer, thank you. 00:45:45 Rasheed Shabazz: http://renamejacksonpark.wordpress.com 00:46:55 Katherine Castro: @JayGarfinkle, I’m not 100% capable of answering you in the time I have. I’ll note your question. Is that ok? 00:47:07 Katherine Castro: We will speak about the names 00:50:17 Jessica Santone: @JayGarfinkle: some of Jackson’s actions were consistent with his contemporaries, but not all; he was quite tyrannical/authoritarian (detractors called him King Andrew), and his aggressive military behaviors would be considered war crimes today 00:50:53 Katherine Castro: Thank you @Jessica! 00:51:30 Katherine Castro: @JayGarfinkle, that is the goal. We hope to hear everyone possible. 00:51:44 Katherine Castro: Have a I caught all your questions? 00:52:58 Katherine Castro: A message from the panel: we received 153 names from this effort. 00:53:16 Jay Garfinkle: Has the list of submitted names been made public? 00:54:27 Josh Geyer: Thank you for pursuing this process with the urgency it deserves! 00:56:52 Katherine Castro: @JayGarfinkle we are posting them first thing tomorrow on renamejacksonpark.wordpress.com 00:57:22 Katherine Castro: @JoshGeyer, thank you! We also appreciate the communities involvement 00:58:53 Josh Geyer: Incredibly inspiring person 01:01:36 Katherine Castro: @kevisbrownson, thanks! 01:03:32 Amy Wooldridge: It's Lisjan Ohlone 01:04:07 Jay Garfinkle: How many named parks are there in Alameda? 01:04:19 Josh Geyer: A lot 01:04:41 Katherine Castro: I’m back, did I miss a question? Are we caught up? 01:04:45 Amy Wooldridge: We have 24 City of Alameda Parks. 01:05:20 Jessica Santone: About Lisjan: https://sogoreate-landtrust.org/lisjan/ 01:08:27 Josh Geyer: I will forego spoken comment and say I am in favor of calling the park "Lisjan Ohlone Park" 01:09:37 Rasheed Shabazz: https://www.alamedaca.gov/GOVERNMENT/Departments/Recreation-Parks/Parks-and-Facilities 01:11:28 Deja Gould: 1 park 01:11:57 Josh Geyer: Other uses of the Ohlone name are irrelevant, white people appropriated this land from the Ohlone, naming a park after them is the least we can do 01:12:00 Katherine Castro: @Robert, I can put you in the line. Everyone is muted except panelst 01:12:05 Katherine Castro: :) 01:12:23 Katherine Castro: Oh, I didn’t know that. Sorry I thought it was another issue 01:12:45 Katherine Castro: @Robert, I’ll make sure your question gets asked 01:12:57 Katherine Castro: What is it? Or your comment? 01:13:10 Cybelle Kelley-Whitley: I like the idea of renaming the park, Alameda Park and returning it back to its original name. 01:13:13 Katherine Castro: @JayG, it’s coming. Thank you. 01:13:19 Josh Geyer: Pretty typical example of Western chauvinism actually, asking for someone to quantify how many times the name Ohlone is now being mentioned 300 years after we stole their land 01:14:09 Carmen Reid: I also like the idea of renaming Alameda Park to its original historical name. 01:15:44 Rasheed Shabazz: ^ 01:15:47 E L: Will the selected name have a physical placard of sorts that describe the history behind it? 01:16:41 Ian Wallace: How about instead of renaming it or in addition to renaming it, we give the land to the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Ohlone. 01:16:59 Katherine Castro: @El, yes. 01:18:26 Katherine Castro: If you are having trouble with the poll, you can note your response in the chat. 01:19:21 Katherine Castro: Thanks for you patience 01:19:25 Katherine Castro: your* 01:20:12 Katherine Castro: @Eric, Alameda is on question 2 01:20:18 Katherine Castro: scroll down 01:21:14 Katherine Castro: Names that won’t be selected for this park, they will be considered for future parks 01:21:34 Katherine Castro: @kaye, we will go through the chat to note your comment 01:22:52 Josh Geyer: I'm with Robert 01:25:33 E L: Why not consider combining two of the names (or use partial of two names) 01:26:25 Katherine Castro: @MelodyeM, thank you. 01:27:08 E L: I agree with Eric’s assessment. 01:29:07 Katherine Castro: @EL, I see your comment about combining names. Due to time, I’m not sure how we can do that this time around but I’ll note it for future names/parks. 01:29:52 Carmen Reid: I also like the idea of combining two names, for instance, Alameda-Ohlone Park or Alameda-Chochenyo Park. 01:30:14 Katherine Castro: @Carmen, noted and thank you for examples, helpful. 01:30:54 Katherine Castro: Thank you everyone. 01:32:04 Margaret Dos Santos: please add central of where we live 01:32:05 Deja Gould: Thank you all so much! Glad we could be here 01:32:29 Cheyenne Gould: Thank you all so much 01:32:38 Margaret Dos Santos: Thank you nephew for all of you knowledge and work 01:32:42 Josh Geyer: Thanks everyone! 01:32:48 Carmen Reid: Thank you for your presentation. I appreciate your efforts. 01:32:52 Kevis Brownson: thank you very much for this panel and effort 01:33:11 Katherine Castro: Distracted by my kid…I’m back 01:33:49 Katherine Castro: Thank you everyone. 01:34:48 Amelia Eichel: Thank you for clarifying that, Rasheed 01:36:09 Margaret Dos Santos: Thank you Amy 01:36:18 Carmen Reid: One more idea- perhaps benches in the park could commemorated with names that were proposed for the park.