The City of Alameda (City) Public Works Department invites proposals for Vegetation Management and Water Quality Services for Alameda West Lagoons. It is necessary for Proposers to read the information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to understand how to submit the proposal, what documents must accompany the proposal and what legal obligations the Proposer is submitting by providing a successful proposal. Any Proposer that wishes to be considered for this work must submit the information requested in this RFP and if invited, participate in an interview. Proposals must be received by the City Public Works Department by 2:00 PM on October 8, 2019.
Proposers shall submit two (2) complete double-sided, copies of their proposal and a compact disc or portable hard drive containing a Portable Document File (PDF) proposal. The printed proposals should be on paper containing a minimum of 20% post-consumer recycled content. Proposals must be in a sealed envelope bearing the caption “City of Alameda – “Vegetation Management and Water Quality Services for Alameda West Lagoons”. Proposals shall be submitted to:
ATTN: Erin Smith, Deputy Public Works Director
City of Alameda
950 W Mall Square, Suite 110
Alameda, CA 94501
RE: Vegetation Management and Water Quality Services for South Shore Lagoons
Proposals may be submitted in person at the Public Works Department, or by mail, but must be received by 2:00 PM on October 8, 2019. Late proposals will not be considered. The City assumes no responsibility for delays caused by delivery service. Postmarking by the due date will not substitute for actual receipt. Any Proposal received prior to October 8, 2019 may be modified by written addendum or withdrawn by written request from the Proposer to the City up to the official time when all proposals are due.
All questions regarding the proposal documents and proposal should be directed to:
Erin Smith, Deputy Public Works Director
City of Alameda Department of Public Works
950 West Mall Square, Suite 110
Alameda, CA 94501
*Pre-proposal questions will be accepted until October 1, 2019.
Click to download RFP, here(PDF, 5MB).