The City of Alameda and AUSD prepared this 8-week preparedness guide with tips on getting your household prepared for a disaster.
Week 1: Collect Water
Scientists predict that a major earthquake could damage the distribution system that provides much of the Bay Area with clean, fresh water. That’s why it’s important to collect and store enough water for drinking, washing, and possibly cooking.
Download more information here(PDF, 52KB) about how to collect water and store it.
Week 2: Gather Food
In the event of a major earthquake, roads could be blocked, stores could be closed, and restaurants may be rendered inoperable. Your own kitchen may also not be usable, so gathering and storing food for all family members is an essential part of earthquake preparation.
Download more information here(PDF, 51KB) on collecting food for your earthquake kit.
Week 3: Create a Household Bin
A complete emergency preparedness kit includes clothing, bedding, and shelter, plus toiletries and tools - and your water and food, of course.
Download more information here(PDF, 51KB) on creating the bin.
Week 4: Copy Important Documents
You may very well need but not have access to documents or on-line information that identifies you, your financial accounts, important contact numbers, and your medical needs and insurance coverage in the event of an emergency. That's why it's important to have copies of your information in your earthquake kit.
Download a complete list of what you need here(PDF, 49KB).
Week 5: Create Your "Go" Bags
Keep a small bag filled with vital supplies - such as water, a coat, a snack, and some important papers - in a place where you can easily grab it if you need to exit your home quickly.
Download suggestions for what should go in your go bag here(PDF, 142KB).
Week 6: Create On-The-Go "Go" Bags!
Just as you need "go" bags in your home, you should have one in your office and/or car. That way you have a small stash of supplies available if there's an emergency situation while you're outside the house.
Download suggestions for what should go in your on-the-go go bag here(PDF, 135KB).
Week 7: Prepare Your Home
While you can't prevent an earthquake, you can minimize the risk of destruction to your home (and your family members) by earthquake proofing your home and belongings.
Download a full list of suggestions for how to secure your home here(PDF, 140KB).
Week 8: Make (and Practice) a Household Plan!
Just as our school sites and businesses conduct emergency drills, so should you and anyone living in your household!
Learn what should be in your emergency plan here(PDF, 150KB).