Prepare Our Island

How likely is there to be a nearby earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.7 (fallen buildings, broken gas and water lines, fires) in the next 30 years?


63% likely – according to the United States Geological Survey.

The City of Alameda and AUSD prepared this 8-week preparedness guide with tips on getting your household prepared for a disaster.  

Week 1: Collect Water
Scientists predict that a major earthquake could damage the distribution system that provides much of the Bay Area with clean, fresh water. That’s why it’s important to collect and store enough water for drinking, washing, and possibly cooking. 

Download more information here(PDF, 52KB) about how to collect water and store it.

Week 2: Gather Food
In the event of a major earthquake, roads could be blocked, stores could be closed, and restaurants may be rendered inoperable. Your own kitchen may also not be usable, so gathering and storing food for all family members is an essential part of earthquake preparation.

Download more information here(PDF, 51KB) on collecting food for your earthquake kit.

Week 3: Create a Household Bin
A complete emergency preparedness kit includes clothing, bedding, and shelter, plus toiletries and tools - and your water and food, of course.

Download more information here(PDF, 51KB) on creating the bin.

Week 4: Copy Important Documents
You may very well need but not have access to documents or on-line information that identifies you, your financial accounts, important contact numbers, and your medical needs and insurance coverage in the event of an emergency. That's why it's important to have copies of your information in your earthquake kit.  

Download a complete list of what you need here(PDF, 49KB).

Week 5: Create Your "Go" Bags
Keep a small bag filled with vital supplies - such as water, a coat, a snack, and some important papers - in a place where you can easily grab it if you need to exit your home quickly.

Download suggestions for what should go in your go bag here(PDF, 142KB).

Week 6: Create On-The-Go "Go" Bags!
Just as you need "go" bags in your home, you should have one in your office and/or car. That way you have a small stash of supplies available if there's an emergency situation while you're outside the house.

Download suggestions for what should go in your on-the-go go bag here(PDF, 135KB).

Week 7: Prepare Your Home
While you can't prevent an earthquake, you can minimize the risk of destruction to your home (and your family members) by earthquake proofing your home and belongings.


Download a full list of suggestions for how to secure your home here(PDF, 140KB).

Week 8: Make (and Practice) a Household Plan!
Just as our school sites and businesses conduct emergency drills, so should you and anyone living in your household!

Learn what should be in your emergency plan here(PDF, 150KB)

How likely is there to be a nearby earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.7 (fallen buildings, broken gas and water lines, fires) in the next 30 years?


63% likely – according to the United States Geological Survey.


While this information has been well-publicized, studies show that the majority of us aren’t prepared for an earthquake – or any other disaster. Only about half of our community has a disaster supply kit and less than half have a disaster plan. Do you?


This summer, the Alameda Unified School District, the City of Alameda, and the Alameda Fire Department have joined forces to improve those numbers locally by organizing an island-wide, multi-week earthquake preparation roundup we can all take part in.


Please take this 1-minute survey to let us know how prepared you are!


Check out these resources from Alameda County.

Check out the Alameda unified School District's Prepare Our Island site.

Disaster Preparedness

In its efforts to prepare residents for disasters, the City of Alameda Fire Department offers the following programs and information:

Helpful Links and Information


For additional questions questions related to Disaster Preparedness, please contact:


Captain Sharon Oliver

(510) 337-2131

The City of Alameda Fire Department coordinates the emergency management and disaster preparedness program for the City by working with the Fire and Police department, city staff, partner agencies, businesses and citizens to minimize risk by actively seeking to mitigate hazards,  to prepare for, respond to, and successfully recover from natural or manmade disasters when they strike.


In its efforts to prepare and inform the community and its residents in case of disasters, the City of Alameda Fire Department offers the following training programs, notification methods, and city planning and response information:

  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training
  • Map Your Neighborhood
  • AC Alert
  • Radio 1280 AM, Alameda Radio
  • Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)
  • Hazard Mitigation Plan
  • City General Plan - Health and Safety Section 8

Are You Ready??

It's everyones responsibility to be prepared.  The City of Alameda highest priority is to the safety of its citizen, but when disaster strikes being personally prepared will lessen the impact for our community.  So let's get started!  Check out the links below to help you build a kit, make a family plan, and put together the kind of supplies that will help you and your family survive if disaster strikes.

Neighborhood Preparedness

Help your neighborhood prepare with the "Map Your Neighborhood" program. This self guided program helps neighborhoods get to know one another, identify neighbors that may need a little extra help in the event of a disaster and learn skills you can use after a disaster such as locating and shutting off gas valves and other safety tips and ideas to help you prepare.  The program is free to Alameda residents. 


Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

Still want to do more?  Sign up for CERT training and become an Alameda CERT team member.  The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course provides training to Alameda residents and employees of Alameda businesses to increase self-sufficiency in a disaster. Participants learn skills that will enable them to provide emergency assistance to their families and neighbors.  Learn to work as a team member, respond to help your neighbors and the community in the event of a large scale emergency or disaster. Be part of the Cities disaster response plan as a member of Alameda CERT. 

People and Their Pets: Disaster Preparedness and Response


One of the enduring lessons of Hurricane Katrina was that some people will not leave their pets in time of disaster, even if their own lives are in danger.  That is why the federal government passed a new law in 2006 requiring local authorities to include pets in their disaster preparedness plans.


Here in the Bay Area we face the possibility of earthquakes, fires, landslides, flooding, even tsunamis. Are you – and are your pets – prepared for these calamities? The best way to ensure the safety of your entire family, furry members included, is to have an emergency plan.