Request for Proposal-Bayview Weir Stem & Operator Replacement Project


The City of Alameda invites proposals for the Bayview Weir Stem and Operator Replacement Project. 

Proposers shall read the information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to understand how to submit the proposal, what documents must accompany the proposal and what legal obligations apply when the Proposer submits a proposal.   Any Proposer that wishes to be considered for this work must submit the information requested in this RFP and if invited, participate in an evaluation interview panel.

The Proposer shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to perform all Work associated with the Bayview Weir Operator and Stem Replacement Project. The Work includes replacement of the 11 gate stem and operators.  A record drawing of the Bayview Weir is included in Appendix A.   The 12th gate shown on the Record Drawings is now a flap gate.  Contractor is responsible for field verifying count of stems and operators required and valve stem measurements; procuring all required materials; constructing any necessary scaffolding to conduct the work; demolishing existing slide gate stems and operators; off hauling and disposing of debris in accordance with all rules and regulation; installing new stem and operators and conducting and field testing of new equipment; site restoration; and any other activity required to conduct the Work. For the flap gate, Contractor is responsible for making necessary repairs.

Proposer must comply with the General Conditions within this RFP and the Standard Provisions included in Appendix B.

Proposers shall submit an electronic copy of their proposal in Portable Document File format Proposals must be titled City of Alameda Bayview Weir Stem and Operator Replacement”.  Proposals shall be emailed to Manny Rios at

Proposals must be received by 2:00 PM April 14, 2023.  Late proposals will not be considered.  The City assumes no responsibility for delays caused by delivery service.  Any Proposal received prior to 2:00 PM April 14, 2023 may be modified by written addendum or withdrawn by written request from the Proposer to the City up to the official time when all proposals are due.  Section VI contains a complete list of proposal requirements.

Anticipated Schedule for Selection

Issuance of Request for Proposals:


March 23, 2023

Deadline to submit Proposals:


April 14, 2023

Contract Award (Anticipated):


May 16, 2023


Proposers are solely responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued. Addenda will be published on this same website. 

Please direct any Project questions to Manny Rios.  Questions must be by written email to and received by April 10, 2023.

Download a PDF of this RFP here(PDF, 2MB)