Specs/Plans: Alameda Shoreline Park Pathway Lighting, P.W.No. 10-20-38

The City of Alameda is soliciting proposals for ALAMEDA SHORELINE PARK PATHWAY LIGHTING PROJECT, P.W. No. 10-20-38. The work involves removal and replacing approximately half of mile of exterior lighting infrastructure including but not limited installing new lighting control cabinets, conduit, conductors, pull boxes and within two phases installing sixty eight new light fixtures and maintaining the existing public restrooms, SCADA and sluice gates electrical supply operational during the construction phases 1 & 2.


Proposals will be opened in the Public Works Department, 950 W. Mall Square, Room 110, Alameda, California, at 2:01 p.m. on October 27, 2020. 

To download Specifications as a PDF, please click here(PDF, 710KB).

To download Plans as a PDF, please click here(PDF, 29MB).