RFP: Pothole Maintenance & Repair Services Various Streets Project

The City of Alameda is soliciting proposals for Pothole Maintenance and Repair Services for various streets throughout the City of Alameda. 

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is for the purpose of obtaining competitive bids from qualified applicants interested in providing the City with Pothole Repair Services. Therefore, the City is soliciting proposals from reputable contractors to provide pothole repair services on roads located within the City.

Proposers shall submit a Portable Document File (PDF) proposal by email to csoto@alamedaca.gov with the following in the subject line of that email:


Proposals must be received by August 9, 2023 by 2 PM.

Late proposals will not be considered. The City assumes no responsibility for delays caused by delivery service. Any Proposal received prior to August 9, 2023 may be modified by written addendum or withdrawn by written request from the Proposer to the City up to the official time when all proposals are due. Section VI contains a complete list of proposal requirements.

Printed or electronic copies of the RFP may be obtained from BPX Printing & Graphics located at 4903 Central Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804.  Electronic downloads are at no cost and printed sets will be charged printing costs by BP Express.  Copies of the documents may be viewed and ordered at https://www.alamedaplanroom.com/ or by contacting BPX at (510) 559-8299 or at Richmond@bpxprinting.com. Please contact BPX for ordering or downloading questions.  To ensure receipt of any subsequent communications (e.g., an Addenda), each prospective bidder is responsible for confirming that their firm appears on the BPX plan holders’ list.  Proposers are responsible for obtaining any addenda to the RFP during the bid process.

Please direct any Project questions to Cristela Soto at csoto@alamedaca.gov . Questions must be by written email and received by August 4, 2023 at 12:00 pm.

There is No Pre-Bid Meeting for this project.