Tsunami Presentation for Boaters and Marinas

Map of Tsunami area



July 15, 2019




Sharon Oliver, Fire Captain




Tsunami Awareness Community Meetings


The City of Alameda invites you to participate in community meetings to prepare boaters and Alameda community members for a tsunami. Despite Alameda not having experienced a significant tsunami, there is a potential for it, especially after a major seismic event. The probability of a tsunami impacting Alameda is low, but the risk of significant damage is high.


            Tsunami Presentation for Boaters and the Marinas

What: To prepare the boating community for a tsunami

Who: Presenters will include local, state, and federal tsunami experts

When: Thursday, September 19, 6:30 pm

Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue


            Tsunami Presentation for Alamedans

What: To prepare Alameda residents, employers, and others

Who: Presenters will include local, state, and federal tsunami experts

When: Wednesday, October 30, 6:30 pm

Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue


If a tsunami is expected, the City of Alameda would issue tsunami warnings to alert the public of areas that would need to evacuate (Figure 1). To receive tsunami warnings as well as other emergency alerts by voice, text, and email, click on the “subscribe” button on the AC Alert website: https://www.acgov.org/emergencysite/. The warnings would provide official tsunami wave arrival time estimates so you are able to plan accordingly.


Tsunamis can cause rapid changes in water level and unpredictable dangerous currents that are magnified in marinas, ports, and harbors, and can inundate bay communities.  Damaging wave activity can continue for many hours following initial tsunami impact.  Although Alameda’s shorelines are considered “sheltered” waters, impacts of a large tsunami along the coast could cause a devastating surge in tidal areas all along the inside of the San Francisco Bay.


For more information on disaster preparedness including training with Alameda’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, please visit: https://www.alamedaca.gov/Departments/Fire-Department/Disaster-Preparedness.

Figure 1. City of Alameda Maximum Phase Tsunami Evacuation Zone

Map of Tsunami area


  • Thursday, September 19, 2019 | 06:30 PM


Council Chambers

City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Ave., 94501, View Map

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