Virtual Community Workshop: Mecartney Road/Island Drive Improvement Pr

draftconcept_island-mecartney-roundabout_with-watermark (1).jpg

 As a key intersection on Bay Farm Island, the Mecartney/Island Improvement Project is in the City’s Capital Improvement Program totaling $300,000 from Measures B/BB monies to fund an analysis and outreach effort so as to improve this busy intersection bringing it up to current best practice standards for safety, adjacent bus stops, path crossings and aesthetics. 

The 2021 consultant analysis by Kittelson & Associates builds off an initial analysis completed in 2019, which recommended a roundabout at this intersection, rather than traffic signals to improve safety and reduce delays.  Kittelson & Associates is reviewing the 2019 analysis, documenting any relevant adjustments and presenting findings to Bay Farm Island community members, Transportation Commission and City Council. 
Even though the initial analysis recommended a roundabout, no decisions have been made, and an enhanced all-way stop, "do nothing" or traffic signals also are potential options.  Ultimately, the City staff/consultant team will request the City Council to make the final determination, which is expected in spring 2022. 
For project updates via email, please email or phone at 510-747-6892.

here for more information and click here to register for the Webinar.


  • Wednesday, December 01, 2021 | 06:30 PM
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