Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming and Bikeways Project

Latest news: Thank you to the many people who participated in the first round of public outreach in late 2023! The project team shared an analysis of traffic speeds, crash data, previous community input, and more; and community members gave input on existing conditions and their priorities. The team compiled this feedback to present to the Transportation Commission on January 24, and will use all of the information gathered to develop concept alternatives for potential improvements. An additional round of public outreach is planned for spring 2024 to solicit input on these alternatives.

This project will create a design concept to update Fernside Boulevard from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave, aiming to reduce auto speeds and increase safety and mobility for all road users, as well as develop design concepts to implement Active Transportation Plan bikeways. It will also work to develop a near-term striping update for Fernside from Tilden Way to High St that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing.

The first round of public engagement efforts in late 2023 included:

  • 40,550 emails and text messages delivered via 10 newsletters/notices to various City of Alameda mailing lists
  • 600 responses to an online survey
  • 400 postal mail notices sent to all Fernside Boulevard addresses
  • 85 people attended an in-person community workshop
  • 28 people attended a virtual community workshop
  • 5 A-frames with posters placed along Fernside Boulevard for over 2 week

Read the summary of feedback received.

Events, Meetings, & Surveys

Email Bulletin Mailings

Postal mail

  • 11/27/2023: Flyer mailed to all Fernside Boulevard addresses (approx 400)


A-Frame Posters

  • 12/1/2023-12/18/2023: Posters for community workshops & survey posted on A-frames at 5 locations along Fernside Blvd



Project Phases

We anticipate the following phases for this project:

  1. Public outreach for existing conditions & initial input: November-December 2023, plus Transportation Commission public hearing on January 24, 2024
  2. Public outreach for draft concept alternatives: spring 2024
  3. Public hearings for final design concept: Transportation Commission and City Council public hearings (including seeking City Council approval), summer or fall 2024
  4. Resurfacing and restriping on Fernside Blvd west of High St, 2025 (tentative)
  5. Construct full corridor project: timing will depend on finding funding