Request for Proposal - Maintenance of Bayport Stormwater Treatmnt Pond

The City of Alameda ("City") is requesting proposals from qualified organizations for Maintenance of the Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond.  The Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond is a wet detention basin constructed in 2005 to receive runoff from the Bayport residential area and Alameda Landing commercial areas, within Alameda, California.  The treatment pond has a 1.8 acre surface area and is designed to hold a permanent pool of water up to 4.5 feet deep during non-wet weather conditions, and have capacity to capture 4.5 acre feet of stormwater runoff. The Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond requires routine inspection and maintenance services to remain operational and effective with treatment.


The Proposal, clearly marked with the project name “Maintenance of Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond”, should be submitted by email no later than:

5:00 p.m. on August 18, 2022

Attention to Liz Acord at the email address below.  All proposals will be considered submitted at the time date and time noted in the email transmittal.  Proposals will not be accepted after the time noted above.  Proposals should be addressed to:

                 Public Works Department
                 ATTN: Liz Acord

Faxed, mailed or hand carried quotations will not be accepted. 

Any questions pertaining to this Request for Quotation shall be sent by August 9, 2022 at 5:00 Liz Acord, and cc’d to Jeanette Navarro,

Answers to questions, if any, will be posted online August 11, 2022 at:


View and Download:

RFP Maintenance of the Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond  Click here(PDF, 4MB)

Q & A for Bayport Stormwater Treatment Pond Click here(PDF, 8KB)