Alameda Point


The Base Reuse - Alameda Point Division manages the redevelopment of the former Naval Air Station.

Department Head

Abby Thorne-Lyman

Alameda Point is considered one of the best remaining development opportunities for large-scale development in the East Bay, with an inspirational setting overlooking the Bay Bridge and the San Francisco skyline. Over 100 businesses, employing more than 1,000 workers, are currently located there, benefiting from the large industrial buildings with adjacent deep water access.

The City is managing the planning and development for Alameda Point—part of the former Naval Air Station Alameda—to create a strong employment and commercial base with a mix of commercial, residential, open space, recreational, and retail uses.  Take a self-guided tour with this: handy packet(PDF, 3MB) .

Map of Buildings(PDF, 5MB)


Site A is the exciting first step in transforming the Point into a mixed-use neighborhood. The City has selected and entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Alameda Point Partners as the developer for the 68-acre parcel. The Development Plan for Site A, was approved in June 2015.

Site A Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA)

Site A DA Final(PDF, 24MB)

Site A DDA Final(PDF, 164MB)
Amendment 1 to DDA(PDF, 760KB)
Amendment 2 to DDA(PDF, 7MB)
Amendment 3 to DDA(PDF, 2MB)
Amendment 4 to DDA(PDF, 2MB)
Amendment 5 to DDA(PDF, 2MB)

Site A Development Plan

Site A Illustrative Site Plan (Updated 2022)(PDF, 29MB)

Block 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 - Plan Approved 6.27.16

Block 6(PDF, 2MB)
Block 7(PDF, 28MB)
Block 10(PDF, 16MB)
Block 8 Development Plan(PDF, 14MB) - Plan Approved 3.14.16
Block 11 & Shared Plaza(PDF, 13MB) - Plan Approved 3.14.16

Other Relevant Site A Documents: 

Map of Site A(PDF, 2MB)
Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with Alameda Point Partners (APP)(PDF, 7MB)
APP Response to Request For Qualifications (RFQ)(PDF, 6MB)
Site A RFQ from Developers(PDF, 7MB)

Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan:

On March 21, 2017, the City Council unanimously approved the Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan which was a necessary first step before any new development could occur in the Main Street Neighborhood as required by the Zoning Amendment.  Approval of the Plan was a major leap forward towards the rebuilding of the Main Street Neighborhood and specifically the supportive housing facilities of the Alameda Point Collaborative, Building Futures for Women and Children, and Operation Dignity (the Collaborating Partners). 

The Main Street Neighborhood Plan (MSN) fulfills the General Plan policy objectives for a transit-oriented mixed-use, mixed income neighborhood with diverse housing options, parks and open spaces, neighborhood serving businesses and transitional commercial uses. The MSN Plan implements the vision through a variety of regulations, standards, and guidelines for both public improvements and private investment.  The MSN Plan is available here: MSN Plan(PDF, 104MB)

Alameda Point - Rebuilding the Existing Supportive Housing (RESHAP)

On September 5, 2023, the City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and Development Agreement (DA) for the development of RESHAP into a new 7.9-acre supportive housing development and community, which is an important step forward toward providing housing for formerly homeless households and ensuring the existing supporting housing accommodations are rebuilt into a new cohesive community and well integrated with the rest of Alameda Point and Alameda in general.  The RESHAP DDA is available here:(PDF, 26MB)

  • Replacement of 201 units of low and very-low income housing
  • Construction of 131 new low and very-low income units
  • 40,000 square feet of community-serving programming and office space
  • A potential replacement location for the Midway Shelter 


The final RESHAP Development Plan was approved in December 2023 and can be found here.(PDF, 7MB)

Site Plan for RESHAP Project, bounded by West Midway Avenue at the top, Pan Am Way at the left, Ardent Way (to be improved by others) at the right, and Avenue B (also improved by others) at the bottom. The site plan includes existing building 35 at the top left. Along West Midway, there are buildings for Operation Dignity, Building Futures, and the Building Futures shelter at the corner of West Midway and Ardent Way. Beneath Operation Dignity is a farm and barn. Below the farm along Pan Am Way is APC Phase 1. To the right of APC Phase I, is a plaza and lawn. To the right of that, underneath Building Futures, is APC Phase II.

West Midway Project

On August 6, 2018, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued to solicit developers for the development of the West Midway Project.  The West Midway Project consists of 22.8 acres within the Main Street Neighborhood sub-district, located south of West Midway and bounded by Main Street on the east, Pan Am Way on the west and West Tower to the south (Exhibit 2).  The site was made available through the consolidation of the existing leased supportive housing occupied by Alameda Point Collaborative, Building Futures with Women and Children and Operation Dignity (Collaborating Partners) which consolidates over 34 acres to a 7.9-acre site (RESHAP). 

The RFQ focused on attracting developers interested in developing a transit-oriented mixed-use, mixed income neighborhood with diverse housing options, and a mix of commercial uses.  



As part of Phase 1 of the Site A development, the Seaplane Lagoon ferry creates a transit hub at the heart of Alameda Point, encouraging Alameda Point residents and employers/employees and existing Alameda residents to be transit users by connecting Alameda Point directly to San Francisco.

For current schedule click here

For the 2018 information click here(PDF, 4MB)

These documents are for reference purposes only

Key Summary Documents: 

Community Reuse Plan - 1996(PDF, 20MB)
Community Reuse Plan Amendments(PDF, 20MB)  
Community Planning Workbook 2010 - 8.5x11(PDF, 30MB)
Community Planning Workbook 2010 - 11x17(PDF, 25MB)

Previous Planning Documents:
Draft Rezoning Proposal(PDF, 154KB)
Measure B(PDF, 27MB)
Station Area Planning Study - 2008(PDF, 5MB)
Preliminary Development Concept - 2006(PDF, 2MB)
Park Improvement Assessment 2012

General Plan Amendment:
Alameda Point General Plan - Chapter 9(PDF, 618KB)
Alameda Point Planning Boundaries - June 2001(PDF, 330KB)
Alameda Point Proposed General Land Use Map - June 2001(PDF, 174KB)
Alameda Point Mixed Use Areas - June 2001(PDF, 205KB)
Alameda Point Sub Areas - June 2001(PDF, 159KB)
Alameda National Wildlife Refuge - June 2001(PDF, 172KB)
Alameda Point Street System - June 2001(PDF, 160KB)
Alameda Point Park & Recreation Areas - June 2001(PDF, 178KB)
Alameda Point Historic Resources - June 2001(PDF, 286KB)

Historic Preservation: 
Map of Alameda Point Historical District(PDF, 210KB)
Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District, Part 1(PDF, 5MB)
Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District, Part 2(PDF, 5MB)
Navy's Draft National Register Nomination - NAS Alameda(PDF, 18MB)

Specific Building Survey & Evaluation Report for NAS Alameda Historic District - 2011(PDF, 72MB)  

Page & Turnbull Historic Assessment & Historic Preservation(PDF, 23MB)
MOU between Navy, ACHP, and SHPO - 1999(PDF, 2MB)
Sally Woodbridge Historic Architectural Resources(PDF, 5MB)

Cultural Landscape Report for Naval Air Station Alameda - FINAL(PDF, 40MB)

Transportation Strategy - 2005(PDF, 9MB)
Transportation Strategy - 2009(PDF, 13MB)








To lease commercial (Building) space, please contact our leasing brokers at Cushman and Wakefield: 
(510) 763-4900
(Please mention interest in Alameda Point and ask for either John McManus, Ted Anderson, or Andrew Schmieder)
Cushman and Wakefield 


Alameda Point Residential Leasing Information: 

Cerda-Zein Real Estate

Supportive Housing Community: 
Alameda Point Collaborative
Building Futures with Women and Children
Operation Dignity 


Property Management for Current Tenants, License Events, Filming and Special Events: 
Lincoln Property Company