Field & Sports Rental

Rental policies for fields and Alameda Point Gym


How Do We Submit Our Field & Sports Facility Use Permit?

A Field & Sports Facility Use Permit Form must be submitted and received at least seven (7) business days prior to the date requested.  Requests will not be accepted less than seven (7) days or more than ninety (90) days prior to the date requested.

  • Permits will be issued to adults (21 years and over) with a two-hour minimum on all permits.
  • Set-up and clean-up is the responsibility of the group/individual and the time will be included in the total time of the permit.

For availability and to submit your Field & Sports Facility Use Permit With Payment:

  • Email: Joey Carroll, Recreation Supervisor I, at
  • FAX:  510-523-4071
  • Mail ToARPD Main Office, 2226 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

Questions?  Contact Joey Carroll, Recreation Supervisor I, at (510) 747-7555

  • All fees must be paid in full at the time the reservation is issued.
  • Refunds will only be granted under special circumstances.
  • Permits cancelled due to weather or weather related field conditions will be rescheduled based on availability or refunded.
  • Permit holders may be charged for damage caused by misuse to a facility, including use of a field that has been closed due to weather conditions.