Clement Avenue Project

clementcorridormap (1).png

Status: On Saturday, September 14, the City's Contractor will need to adjust utility maintenance access lids on Clement Avenue from Grand to Broadway. This work will require heavy equipment and machinery. Residents and road users may experience disruptions in travel routes, noise, dust, and temporary loss of parking. Road users are strongly recommended to use alternative routes when possible.

Construction Contacts: For questions or concerns, please contact the City's Resident Engineer/Project Manager Sayna Durst at 510-719-1416 or On-Site Inspector Fernando Bravo at 650-339-1503.

Background: The City-led project will construct the Cross Alameda Trail between Willow Street and Broadway while ensuring that this designated truck route is in a good state of repair.  Clement Avenue is the main thoroughfare in the Northern Waterfront area and is a gateway to Oakland, Fruitvale BART and beyond.  This project includes two travel lanes for automobiles and trucks, a two-way separated bikeway on the north side of the street, parking on the south side of the street and intermittent parking on the north side of the street, high visibility crosswalks, curb extensions and daylighted intersections between Grand Street and Broadway, sidewalk/curb ramp improvements and railroad track removal.

For project updates via email, please subscribe directly here. Please also direct questions or concerns to Michaela Wood, Engineering Assistant, by phone at 510-747-7935 or by email at

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This corridor improvement project is funded by Measures B/BB, which are Alameda County's transportation sales tax measures, and a federal grant.



  • January: City Council approved the Transportation Element of the General Plan policy that directs staff to "Pursue opportunities to utilize the corridor of the former Alameda Belt Line railroad for transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation."




  • May: City applied for a federal grant that included the planning, design and construction of the Clement Avenue complete street. (unsuccessful grant)
  • September: City staff submitted a Sustainable Communities Technical Assistance Program (SC-TAP) grant to the Alameda CTC to fund the outreach and concept for the corridor.


  • January: Alameda CTC selected the outreach/concept study for funding totaling $125,000.
  • April: City applied for a federal grant that included the design and construction of the Clement Avenue complete street. (unsuccessful grant)
  • May: Finalized funding agreement between Alameda CTC and the City of Alameda for the outreach/concept study.
  • September: Selected Kittelson & Associates, Inc. as consultant for the outreach/concept proposal.
  • November: Project kick-off for the concept phase


  • January: Focus groups with community members
  • January 21: Community workshop #1
  • January 28: Transportation Commission 
  • March 2: Community workshop #2 
  • March 25: Transportation Commission 
  • April 29: Community workshop #3 
  • May 27: Transportation Commission 
  • June 1: Active Transportation Program grant submittal (unsuccessful)


  • October 18: City Council approves the Clement Avenue project as a grant submittal 
  • October 31: Alameda CTC CIP 2018 grant submittal (successful)


  • April: Alameda CTC approves $5 million grant 
  • June 6: City Council approved $641,000 for fiscal years 2017 to 2019 as shown in the Capital Improvement Program Clement Avenue Project Sheet(PDF, 100KB)  for project approvals, environmental review, permits and design
  • Winter: City staff requested consultant qualifications for complete streets


  • October: Earliest start date for federal funding and this next stage of the project to complete outreach, project approvals and environmental review
  • December: City Council approval of consultant team - CDM Smith - for planning, outreach and design


  • June 3: Community Workshop at City Hall
  • May 29 to June 16: Conducted survey
  • June: City Council approved $1 million for fiscal years 2019 to 2021 as shown in the Capital Improvement Program Project Sheet(PDF, 125KB)
  • July 24: Transportation Commission endorsed the staff/consultant concept recommendation of a two-way bikeway on the north side of the street with the addition of "sharrows" - shared bike/motor vehicle lane markings in the eastbound travel lane
  • September 17: City Council approved two-way bikeway on the north/estuary side of the street with the addition of sharrows in the eastbound travel lane


  • May 27: Transportation Commission approved the final design of the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project
  • July 7: City Council approved the final design


  • Completed environmental clearance and 65 percent design drawings


  • Design, specifications and cost estimate in progress


  • June 20: City Council approved construction phase as shown in the Capital Improvement Program - Project Sheet(PDF, 325KB)
  • Nov 7: City Council approved the construction contractor - staff report
  • Dec: Construction began


  • Construction is expected to end late-year




Clement Avenue is mainly 48 feet wide with two motor vehicle travel lanes and on-street parking. Improvement concepts along this corridor were developed with community input. The concept proposal goals include to:

  • Provide safer bicycling and walking
  • Reduce speeding
  • Complete Cross Alameda Trail 
  • Improve public access to the estuary/bay
  • Revitalize waterfront
  • Maintain truck access
  • Remove abandoned railroad tracks
  • Minimize parking loss 

Design Drawings(PDF, 7MB) (30 percent) - May 2020 (Transportation Commission)

Presentation(PDF, 886KB) on Two-way Bikeway Recommendation - Sept 17, 2019 (City Council)

Concept Drawings(PDF, 3MB) on Two-way Bikeway Recommendation - Sept 17, 2019 (City Council)

Existing Conditions Memo(PDF, 1MB) (2019)

Meetings (2020)

  • May 27: Transportation Commission - approved final design - Link to staff report: click here
  • July 7: City Council - approved final design and consultant contract amendment - Link to staff report: click here

Meetings (2019)

  • September 17: City Council approved two-way bikeway on the north/estuary side of the street - Link to staff report: click here

Meetings (2018)

  • December 18: City Council approval of consultant team - CDM Smith - Link to staff report: click here

Meetings (2016)

  • October 18: City Council approval of Clement Avenue as a grant submittal - Link to staff report: click here

Meetings (2015)

  • January 21: Community workshop #1

     Press Release(PDF, 250KB)

     Presentation(PDF, 4MB)

     Comment Summary(PDF, 546KB)

  • January 28: Transportation Commission

    Staff Report(PDF, 179KB)

    Presentation(PDF, 4MB)

  • March 2: Community workshop #2

   Press Release(PDF, 96KB)

   Presentation(PDF, 2MB)

  • March 25: Transportation Commission

   Staff Report(PDF, 259KB)

   Comment Summary(PDF, 280KB)

   Feasibility Analysis(PDF, 4MB)

   Presentation(PDF, 3MB)

  • April 29: Community workshop #3

   Press Release(PDF, 631KB)

   Presentation(PDF, 5MB)

  • May 27: Transportation Commission

   Staff Report(PDF, 718KB)

   Comment Summary (January through March 2015)(PDF, 532KB)

   Comment Summary (March through April 2015).pdf(PDF, 667KB)

   Parking Removal Analysis(PDF, 357KB)

   Presentation(PDF, 3MB)

Feasibility Report and Drawings for Clement Avenue Concept (2015)

Concept Feasibility Report(PDF, 2MB)

Concept Drawings (2015)