Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee

The Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee (OAAC) is a coalition of shoreline communities and stakeholders working to accelerate sea level rise adaptation, protect and restore water quality, habitat and recreation and promote community resilience.

OAAC is currently leading three funded sea level rise adaptation projects.

The projects are funded with grant funding from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, FEMA, Caltrans, San Francisco Estuary Partnership and City of Alameda.

The City of Alameda, on behalf of OAAC, issued the Community Partners Request for Proposals (RFP) and selected two different community partner teams: Greenbelt Alliance with Hood Planning Group, Ninth Root, REAP Climate Center and Sogorea Te' Land Trust, and Community Action for Sustainable Alameda.

The City of Alameda, on behalf of OAAC, issued the Technical Consultant Request for Proposals (RFP) and selected the consultant team led by CMG Landscape Architecture.

The Adaptation Committee meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month. To be added to the meeting invite or be notified of upcoming community meetings, email dmieler@alamedaca.gov. 

August 2024 (Community Workshops)

May 20, 2024 (Community Workshop)

March 20, 2024 (Quarterly Meeting)

January 11, 2024 King Tides Site Walk (Quarterly Meeting)

December 13, 2023 (Quarterly Meeting)

September 13, 2023 (Quarterly Meeting)

June 21, 2023 (Quarterly Meeting)

April 19, 2023 (Quarterly Meeting)

February 15, 2023 (Quarterly Meeting)

September 14, 2022 (Quarterly Meeting)

June 8, 2022 (Quarterly Meeting)

March 9, 2022 (Quarterly Meeting)

December 8, 2021 (Quarterly Meeting)

September 8, 2021 (Quarterly Meeting)

June 16, 2021 (Quarterly Meeting)

Alameda County

Alameda County Flood Control District

Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District



Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies

California State Coastal Conservancy


Capital Corridor

City of Alameda

City of Oakland

City of San Leandro

Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA)

East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)

East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD)

East Oakland Neighborhood Initiative (EONI)

Greenbelt Alliance

Hood Planning Group

Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

Port of Oakland/Oakland International Airport

REAP Climate Center

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)

San Francisco Bay Trail/Association of Bay Area Governments

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI)

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP)

San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board

Sierra Club

Sogorea Te’ Land Trust/Lisjan Nation

UC Berkeley

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Coast Guard

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

Alameda County

Bay Conservation Development Commission (BCDC)


City of Alameda

City of Oakland

City of San Leandro

East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD)

East Oakland Collective

Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

Our Coast Our Future

Resilient by Design

San Francisco Estuary Institute

San Francisco Estuary Partnership

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

Governance and Funding

CalEnviroScreen 4.0

Community vulnerability to current and future flooding, BCDC Adapting to Rising Tides

Bay Shoreline Flood Explorer, BCDC Adapting to Rising Tides

Depth to Groundwater: Current Conditions, Pathways Climate Institute and San Francisco Estuary Institute

Sea-Level Rise and Shallow Groundwater: Future Conditions, Pathways Climate Institute and San Francisco Estuary Institute

Community Disaster Resilience Zone, FEMA

National Risk Index, FEMA

MTC/ABAG Hazards Viewer Map

  • FEMA Flood Hazard
  • Earthquake Shaking
  • Earthquake Liquefaction
  • Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Who We Are

The Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee (OAAC) is a coalition of shoreline communities and stakeholders working to co-create a coordinated and inclusive future-looking action plan and sub-regional organizational structure to accelerate sea level rise adaptation, protect and restore water quality, recreation and habitat, and promote community resilience.

The Committee is organized around the SFEI San Leandro OLU, which stretches from the Bay Bridge touchdown in the north to Oyster Bay in the south, and includes jurisdictions, agencies and community based organizations that have an interest in the Oakland-Alameda shoreline, as well as regional, state and federal collaborators.

Our shoreline is vulnerable to coastal inundation and rising groundwater and contamination as a result of rising sea levels and liquefaction in earthquakes. These climate induced hazards will put critical infrastructure at risk, damage habitat, and further burden already vulnerable communities. Our goal is to create an inclusive, transformative, and equitable climate-ready community along the Oakland-Alameda shoreline.

Mission Statement

The Committee coordinates flood and adaptation projects to protect and restore water quality, habitat, recreation and adjacent community vitality.

Community engagement will help the Project Partners better understand the high priority needs of community members and will help refine the Committee preliminary objectives, which act as guiding principles that were developed by the Committee in 2022.

Preliminary Objectives – Guiding Principles
  1. Coordinate efforts
    • Help support one another to expedite development of critical adaptation projects
    • Offer economies of scale and integrate each agencies’ interests
    • Improve overall health of the estuary
  2. Maximize opportunity
    • Maximize funding opportunities
    • Share data and information
    • Be aware of other projects in the OLU
  3. Better outcomes for the Bay and communities
    • Identify opportunities for restoration and habitat protection and nature-based solutions
    • Consider place-based sediment management strategies
    • Identify opportunities to improve recreational access to the shoreline and air quality
    • Protect residents and vulnerable communities living on or near the shoreline so enhancements to the shoreline benefits those communities and don’t contribute to gentrification and displacement pressures
    • Projects should contribute to economic opportunities for local businesses and community members and improve those communities that are impacted by climate change, lack of infrastructure and disinvestment
    • Advocate for training and skill development to support underserved communities and investigate institutional barriers to hiring local residents and small local minority-owned businesses
  4. Be adaptation leaders
  • Serve as an example for how to do sub-regional work and advance our collective agendas

5. Formalize OAAC's organizational structure

Project Partners

The Project Partners are the core team overseeing developing of the adaptation projects, and are listed below. 

  • Steering Committee:
    • Caltrans
    • City of Alameda
    • City of Oakland
    • CASA (also Community Partner)
    • Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation/Sogorea Té Land Trust (also Community Partner)
    • East Bay Regional Park District
    • Greenbelt Alliance (also Community Partner)
    • Hood Planning Group (also Community Partner)
    • Port of Oakland
    • San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
    • West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
  • Community Partners:
    • CASA
    • Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation/Sogorea Té Land Trust
    • Greenbelt Alliance
    • Hood Planning Group
    • Ninth Root
    • REAP Climate Center with Climate Fellows
  • Scientific Advisor: San Francisco Estuary Institute
  • Consultant Team:
    • CMG Landscape Architecture
    • Pathways Climate Institute
    • Moffatt & Nichol
    • NHA Advisors
    • Schaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers
    • ESA
    • Earth Mechanics, Inc.